We just found out that we have to have all grades for seniors finalized and submitted early on Wednesday of next week. Thus, we need you to turn in all work by midnight on Tuesday of next week (May 12).
To give you the most amount of time we can to work on things, we are going to post several things today.
So here are the Vocab Quiz and Test for Unit 3.
Unit 3 Test
You don't have to do them today, but if you are going to turn them in, Tuesday at midnight is the deadline.
On Monday, we will be posting the Final Exam for Government. That will give you both Monday and Tuesday to work on it. Again, it will also have to be turned in by no later than midnight on Tuesday.
TUESDAY at MIDNIGHT is the deadline to turn in anything related to Honors Government OR Honor Economics. If you have any missing work at all, that is the last day to make it up.