Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 14-18


  1. Journal - Is it really necessary to have so many steps in a criminal prosecution?  Why or why not?
  2. DIGI Review
  3. Notes – Civil Cases
  4. Stossel Video on “Swimming and Lawsuits” (Stossel 2009)
  5. Stossel Video on Product Liability (Stosssel 2014)
  6. Chap. 15 Vocabulary/Cartoon
  7. Chap 15 Skill Reinforcement/Reteaching Activity
  8. DIGI

Unit 5 Test


Work on Study Guides
Review for Final


Final Exam


Monday, May 7, 2018

May 7 - 11

  1. Journal – Why do we need local and state governments?  Isn’t the federal government enough?
  2. Notes – State Governments
  3. Worksheet – Structure and Function of State Governments
  4. Cartoon/Guided Reading 23.2
  5. DIGI Questions 
  1. Test on Unit 4
  2. Notebooks Due
  1. Journal - Is having city, county, state and federal governments too much government?  Why or why not?
  2. DIGI
  3. Notes on Local Governments
  4. Worksheets on Chapter 24
  5. DIGI
1. Amendment Test
2. Amendment Book Project Due
3. Work

  1. Journal - Would you consider running for a position in local government?  Why or why not?
  2. Vocab Quiz
  3. DIGI Review
  4. Notes – Criminal Courts
  5. Guided Reading 15.1 & 15.2
  6. Guided Reading 15.3 & Law in America
  7. DIGI Questions